entry harini tade na story banyak pon actually just nak share hows my life in bangi , there nothing in bangi but friendship make it everything (: . am happy here with my housemate which is very sempoi ,sengal haha . so yesterday after finish class we about to have our lunch together .
here they are , they are people in our house that mostly close to me . and ade perangai sengal memasing . ade yang suka bermanja , ade yang ganas , ade yang suka cubit pipi aku ,ade yangg kuat majok .hahaha alololo comel kan housemate saya .
okay ,aku pon ta tahu kenapa pic ni tale rotate -___- haih tapelaa anda tengok dengan merotatekan laptop , pc , tab anda yeaa hahahaha .depan rumah kiteorang ada playground so kalau rasa da bosan tahap maximum bole laa kot amek angin kat depan umah hahaha .