morninggg readderrs.oh yeahhh you tooo HATERR STALKERR mmmuuuaaaxxxxx :* ngggee
waa so early in the morning got kiss ,huahuahua jyeahh for today entry just wanna showww offf bout my college annual dinner last friday nite ,oh my my what ? dont be jealous ohkay haha :DD,huh? bout my ehh not mine anymore bout him ? yeah yesterday i realise something ,there no point to stay with someone who did'nt care bout me at all rite .hee broken heart </3 nope at all lately I'd think too much bout all this
later I'd tell you bout the story morry laa ,now bout the dinner okay ~ that day i've spent lot of time with my housemate which is very crazy not that kind of crazy laa they guys are superb AWESOME they make me laugh every single moment hahahaa .
here they are from left dayah ,nurul ,tasha ,ika
jyahhh i know what you wanna said they are cute are'nt they ? hee being with them make me laugh :DD
ahaha that day we spent our half day at tikah home at nilai then prepared for our nite there
tasha become "makhandam" that dayy habess semua org die make up except me laa aku sdn bhd je sbb aku da pandai pakai liquid eyelinee tu ,ngee so far makeup hasil tangan minah comel putih gebuu ni cantikkk tauu sape-II memerlukan khidmat dia bole pm aku eheh.ape kau merapu ni adda pepagi buta HAHAHA :DD
dah sampai hotel malam tu chewahh ape lagi turon kereta dengan perasaan yang tak sabar laa kan .HAHHA tak sabar la sangat tak sedar kasut yang aku pakai tu tercabut eheh,kebetulan pulak dayah pinjam kasut aku dan tercabut jugak hahahha well biasala ni laa dikatakan preparation tak sempat aku masuk college tak beli pape kot tak sempat so pakai je laa ape yang ade tapi still gojes okay OMG gojes laa sangat kan si muncetts ni muehehe so nak tgok ta gmbar yang konon gojes sangat tu ngahahah pipi still ta bole belahh laa sangat kan kalau amek gambar harus naik sebakul jugak hmm apa bole bikin terimma sajaa
ngee gojes tak gojes tak? HAHHA langsung tak oke!! hahaha actually this nite laa yang pressure aku gegila sebab gaduh dengan mamat tu huh! seriously make me tensionn laa macam SAKAI pon adooo HAHHA nak tgok gambar lagi takk? banyak lagi ni haa gambar semua adehh biasala kan pantang ade camera ni ape lagi TEMBAKMENEMBAK laa hahah
ahhaha yee tahu tahu muka saya bulat ,kenapa awak jeles letewww muehehe ngeee~dinner ni habes dalam 12am then kiteorang melepak macam tu dekat hotel tu sembang-II semua memandangkan aku ni junior yang tek sedar diri maka ramai laa senior yang agak pelik sebab aku ni rapat dengn senior rata-ratanya HAHAAHHA kelakar laa pulak nak buat camner CANNOT GO laaa tu kot dengan junior yang lain lagipon aku memang derumah dengan SENIOR hahahah